Hey there!

I'm Sherille,

I’m a Bestselling Author and Certified Transformational Coach for Divorced Women.

My Journey To Transformation

Ever heard the saying, "Life happens when you're busy making other plans"? Yeah, that hit me hard. When my son Michael was just a toddler, he was diagnosed with Wilm's tumor, a rare childhood kidney cancer.

At the same time, I was six months pregnant with my second son, Noah. The world we knew came crashing down, replaced by a whirlwind of doctor's appointments, prayers, and a fierce determination to see our little fighter beat this.

Thankfully, with an amazing medical team, unwavering support, and a whole lot of love, Michael is now a healthy, thriving young man – cancer-free!

Just as we were settling into a new normal, another blow hit: my 13-year marriage unexpectedly ended. Everything I thought I knew about my life, my future, and even myself vanished overnight.

Grief, confusion, and a gut-wrenching loneliness covered me. I gained weight, lost myself to emotional eating, and battled crippling depression. Financially, the future looked bleak. But even in these darkest moments, a flicker of hope kept me going.

Since childhood, I've always been drawn to the power of positive thinking and the universal laws. I devoured books on quantum physics and metaphysics, fascinated by the unseen forces shaping our reality.

Little did I know my own experiences – the strength I found battling my son's illness and the resilience I discovered through divorce – would become the foundation for my life’s next chapter.

From Broken To Blessed

As painful as those struggles were, they acted as a catalyst for great personal growth, pushing me to confront my vulnerabilities, witness the power of the human spirit, and reinforce my spirituality.

Through it all, I never lost sight of all the blessings in my life – my amazing sons, the encouragement from loved ones, and the belief that brighter days were ahead. My experiences, combined with my thirst for knowledge, led me to create a unique coaching practice dedicated to supporting women navigating the emotional turmoil and identity crisis that often accompany major life transitions, especially divorce.

Why Should You Work with Me?

Because I've walked a similar path. I know… Divorce is messy, confusing, and downright scary. You might feel lost, heartbroken, and unsure how to move forward or who you are anymore. But I also know there's no such pain we females can't endure.

My unique approach is a blend of science, spiritual wisdom, alternative healing modalities, and a deep understanding of the trials women face during divorce to create a space where you can heal, grow, and become your most empowered self.

Just A Few Ways I Can Help You

Rebuild Your Confidence and Self-Worth

Embrace a Growth Mindset to Move Past Hurt

Uncover Your

Authentic Self

Become the Master

of Your Reality

Develop Healthy Boundaries to Protect Your Well-Being

Cultivate Emotional

Awareness and Intelligence

Find Inner Peace

and Fulfillment

Heal from Mental Abuse and Manipulation

Reconnect with Your

Passions and Purpose

You are worthy of everything good life has to offer. Together, we can rewrite your narrative.

Let's connect!