Divorce Doesn’t Have To Be The End of Your World!!!


She Thrives Academy

A 90-Day Immersive experience Program to Help You Move Beyond The Pain, Anger, and Frustration of Divorce, Reclaim Your Power, and Rebuild a More Empowered Version of Yourself

Whether your separation is fresh, you're in the aftermath of recovery, or it's been a while, through emotional healing, science-backed and self-discovery techniques, you'll…

Strengthen your self-esteem, step forward with dignity, clarity, and determination, and open your heart to new possibilities.

A 12-Week Immersive experience Program: She Thrives Academy Opens August 2024

Still, Picking Up the Pieces After Your Breakup?

No matter who called it quits, the emotional rollercoaster is real…


You might doubt your abilities and wonder if you'll ever find love again. The constant "what ifs" can make anyone insecure about their worth.

Lost Identity

The person you were as part of a couple is gone. You might feel disconnected from your innate self and spiritual center.

Fear of Rejection

The anxiety of dating again can be intimidating. You constantly worry about rejection or feel unworthy of love and acceptance.

Future Uncertainty

The path ahead seems blurry. You’ve no idea how to set personal, professional, and family goals anymore.

Guilt and Shame

You're taking the divorce hard and maybe even blaming yourself. This mindset makes it impossible to move forward and forgive yourself.

Financial Strain

You used to do this with your partner, but now, with the separation, you must figure out your new financial normal.

Parenting Challenges

You may be stressed about the effect of divorce on your kids and are struggling to navigate the new dynamic.

I see you!

Divorce Can Turn Your Life Upside Down.

Few experiences in life can shatter your sense of self and leave you questioning everything. Divorce is one of them. It's a grief unlike any other, knocking on your door and demanding to be felt.

You poured your heart and soul into your marriage, and now it feels like the rug has been ripped out from under you. The oh-so-lovely future, dreams, and plans you envisioned are all gone, just like that.

Everyone else is out there living their best life while you're stuck reliving the past in your head. You're done feeling sorry for yourself, but you just can't seem to stop the overthinking cycle.

Maybe you've confided in friends and family, but sometimes it feels like they don't quite understand, or worse, they seem tired of hearing about it all.

But here’s the thing…

You’re Not Finished!

This divorce was just a chapter (good or bad), not the whole story. There's so much more to who you are!

Remember the things that made you "YOU"? The hobbies you loved, the goals you chased, the dreams that kept you up at night? You were capable, confident, and full of potential. And you haven't lost those things.

Most importantly, you have unique gifts and talents that the world needs. This might feel like a setback, but it's also an opportunity to rediscover the wonderful person you are.

Sometimes, all we need is a reminder of what's possible, and the most important thing you can do right now is focus on "YOU."

And, if you let me, I want to be there for you on this journey of self-discovery and emprovement.

“She Thrives Academy”

Let's be honest; you're here because the current version of your life feels unfulfilling.

You're a high-achieving woman worthy of incredible things. You desperately seek joy, strong relationships, and the chance to become the best version of yourself. The only missing piece is the "how."

She Thrives Academy is your answer.

This 12-week-long goal-oriented immersive is thoughtfully designed to help women break free from the shame and exhaustion of their divorce, accelerate their healing process, and write the next amazing chapter of their story – so they can finally go from a Full Widthplace of heartbreak to harmony.

Core Principles That Guide Your Transformation Within The Program

Unearthing Your Human Design

Through She Thrives Academy, you'll discover your Human Design type, a self-exploration system that uses your birth data to help you understand how you operate at your peak. This newfound self-awareness allows you to make aligned choices, embrace your inherent strengths and weaknesses, and navigate energy drains more easily. It's like having a blueprint calibrated for you, guiding you toward a life that feels authentic and fulfilling after divorce.

Reigniting Your Intuition

Situations like divorce can mess with your inner compass, AKA solar plexus. As a result, you might feel constantly drained and sluggish, lacking the usual spark you used to have. When this center (your solar plexus) is disrupted, trusting your instincts or navigating day-to-day tasks can be hard. In She Thrives Academy, we'll cover specialized practices to re-energize your solar plexus. By learning to reconnect with this powerful center, you'll gain clarity, rebuild trust in your inner voice, and feel confident to make productive decisions.

Cultivating Emotional Resilience

Divorce can be a breeding ground for anger, resentment, and negativity. She Thrives Academy emphasizes the importance of mindset and behavior shifts for forgiveness and self-compassion. Through guided strategies and exercises, you'll learn to release emotional baggage, practice the art of letting go, and approach your future with kindness and love.

Here’s What This 12-Week Journey Is All About

Month 1

Finding Your Lost Self

Week 1: Importance of self-exploration

Understand how divorce has shaped you and what you genuinely want moving forward.

Reconnect with your core values and set goals that ignite your passion.

See change as an opportunity for growth and exciting possibilities.

Uncover what Human Design reveals about your unique strengths and energy flow with Inna Shine, a Human Design Expert.

Week 2:Redefine self-talk for success and mindset makeover

Silence your inner critic by identifying negative self-talk patterns that hold you back.

Reprogramming techniques like affirmations will help you rewire your thoughts for a more positive outlook.

Learn to set intentions correctly and attract what you desire in life.

Week 3:Mindfulness and gratitude practices for inner peace

Simple ways to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine for greater peace of mind.

Build a gratitude practice that boosts your happiness and attracts more positivity.

Learn to connect with the here and now, letting go of past hurts and worries.

Week 4:Design a space that reflects you

How to create a comfortable and inspiring home environment that reflects your unique personality.

Define your personal space and establish healthy boundaries with friends, family, and even your ex.

Release negativity and emotional clutter, making room for joy and expansion.

Month 2

Reigniting Your Spark With a Holistic Recharge

Week 5:Embracing physical health

The powerful connection between mind, body and emotional health.

Create a workout routine you actually enjoy – it's all about finding what moves you!

How to nourish your body with delicious foods that support your emotional well-being and fuel your stamina.

Week 6:Mental health check-in

Identify and manage stress triggers so they don't control you – take back the power!

Recognize signs of emotional distress and develop healthy strategies to deal with them.

Build resilience and coping skills with mindful practices to find inner calm amidst life's challenges.

Week 7: Cultivating healthy relationships

Set clear standards to protect your energy and create healthy connections with the people who matter most.

Master effective communication skills to build stronger, more soulful relationships.

Learn to nurture supportive connections and identify toxic relationships that drain your energy.

Week 8: Exploring hobbies and passions

Explore your hidden talents and make time for interests that make you happy.

Recognize signs of emotional distress and develop healthy strategies to deal with them.

Create pockets of joyful "me" time to recharge, relax, and reconnect with yourself.

Month 3

Designing the Life of Your Dreams

Week 9: Setting goals and creating a vision

The SMART method for setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

Practical ways to turn your most ambitious imaginations into breathing realities.

Mind mapping your path to success with a well-formulated action plan.

Week 10:Financial independence and empowerment

Release limiting beliefs about money and unlock your full earning potential.

Cultivate an uplifting attitude towards wealth for more abundance in all aspects of your life.

Simple budgeting and saving strategies so you can achieve financial independence.

Week 11: Rise of the Phoenix

Integrate the valuable lessons from your past experiences to create a thriving lifestyle.

Embrace your journey until now and graciously welcome the future you worked so hard for the past weeks.

Set your sights on your dream life and soar towards a future full of possibilities.

Week 12:Celebrating your journey and looking ahead

Take time to reflect on your personal growth and rejoice in your unbelievable progress.

You did this! It’s time to own your accomplishments and feel proud of the incredible woman you are becoming.

This is just the beginning! Explore more tools, practices, and strategies for continued self-discovery so you can keep growing and evolving after the program.

What Clients Say

About My Coaching Methods

Sherille has been my rock through the most challenging time of my life after divorce. Her coaching has been instrumental in helping me rebuild my confidence and rediscover my identity. With her guidance, I've learned how to be the best parent I could be. I now have more awareness. Sherille's sessions are a breath of fresh air. She is insightful, gives me clarity and perspective when I need it most.

Emily S.

Before working with Sherille, I struggled with feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt. But with her guidance and support, I've learned to see my own worth again. Her sessions have helped me get my confidence back and rediscover my value. Thank you, for giving me hope once again, Sherille!

Natalie R

I can't say enough about how Sherille's coaching. I could not have done the post-divorce journey without her guidance. I was so lost and stuck, but now I have excitement and purpose again. Through our sessions, I've not only learned to love myself but also become the person I needed to attract my healthiest relationship yet. Sherille's wisdom has helped me navigate challenges and rediscover my love for life.

Olivia G.

“The coaching sessions have given me great tools on becoming a better mother, wife and just to be good to myself. Sherille does a great job in helping me become more present. The awareness that I experience during our sessions is a gift that I have been wanting for past 10 years. The goals we set up every week have been so helpful in finding balance and achieving my goals. If you are ready to attain what you've been wanting and ready to change your life, book a consultation/session with Sherille. Her passion, commitment and knowledge will guide you there.”

Marie W

“Sherille has always demonstrated nothing short of excellence and I know for all of her clients that will be changed and impacted as I did then, now and going forward. I promise all can rest assured Sherille will Go above and beyond to make a fulfilling difference in each and everyone of her clients life.”

Kari H.

“I struggle with anxiety and stress. Hypnotherapy allowed me to improve my overall well-being and focus. The experience for me was life-changing and made a significant impact on my mental health. I always leave calm and relaxed. Thank you, Sherille, for your help and guidance.”


“Thank you Sherille for your help. You always like an Angel go to my life. You helping me to resolving my difficult situation. Appreciate for your work.”


“I was facing a challenging time in my life and my experience with Sherille was mind opening. She performed reiki and a hypnotherapy session with me and it felt like a time traveling experience. It took me back to my past and help me gain perspective on things I needed to work through and see from the macro level. I recommend Sherille Marquez with your spiritual healing and her positive energy is a true blessing.”

Kristine D.

Sounds great!!!

But How Do I Know If This Program Is For Me?

You might doubt your abilities and wonder if you'll ever find love again. The constant "what ifs" can make anyone insecure about their worth. Deep down, you know there's a vibrant, charming, and independent soul waiting to be loved again.

You no longer want to be stuck in post-divorce limbo. It’s like you’re always either sad, angry, or emotionally burned out. People around you might sense this and unintentionally distance themselves.

Your divorce has left you isolated, and you miss the feeling of connection and belonging. You want to hang out with friends and attend family gatherings without the lingering thoughts of your past life.

Second-guessing yourself has become your constant companion. You yearn for clarity, confidence, and direction to make choices supporting your life's upcoming phase.

You're tired of prioritizing others' needs and seeking external approval while neglecting your worth. Growth happens the moment you decide to take charge of your own happiness.

As a mom, you want to be a source of strength, comfort, and light for your children. You know very well that your emotional stability directly impacts them, and so you want them to have a calm and nurturing household.

You’re finally ready to look out for yourself. It's been a while since you last focused on your own well-being – your looks, health, career, and passions. You deserve the same amount of self-acceptance, compassion, and kindness you show others.

You Will Not Regret

Investing in Yourself!

Life throws curveballs, and divorce might not have been on your list. But here you are.

Now what?


You can stay stuck in a cycle of self-pity, negativity, and that whole “victim mindset” on repeat. But seriously, where's the fun in that?


There's another option. One where you dust yourself off, take a deep breath, and say, "You know what? I'm done with this." Done with feeling miserable all the time, done with the "one true love" fairytale, and done letting your past call the shots.

She Thrives Academy is your chance to do just that.

This signature program is about so much more than just "getting over" your divorce. It's about rediscovering yourself, learning valuable lessons from your past, and creating a life that truly lights you up.

I promise you this…

If you invest in yourself, do the intentional work, and live by the guidance offered during 12 weeks, you'll be surprised at how quickly your life can take a positive turn.

Just like you wouldn't hesitate to take care of your children's education, car, house, or physical health, it's time to prioritize your emotional and mental well-being, too. Trust me, it’s non-negotiable and something you can’t simply dismiss.

Everything That’s Included in the Program

A Comprehensive and Structured 12-week Recovery Roadmap

The program content will be delivered through carefully curated self-paced modules. Learn at your own pace with clear instructions, practical exercises, and downloadable resources.

Weekly-Scheduled Group Coaching Calls (1 hour)

Together with other participants you’ll deepen your understanding of each week's topics, get assurance from me, and address any roadblocks you're facing in your learning and development.

1:1 Empathetic Coaching with Sherille (6 calls total, 45 minutes each)

Benefit from my decade of experience in just 90 days – accumulated through high-end mentorships, masterminds, courses, and programs – condensed into personalized coaching sessions.

1:1 Sessions with Human Design Expert Inna Shine (2 calls total, 120 minutes each)

Gain specific insights into your unique energy blueprint and tap into your greatness.

1:1 Sessions with Human Design Expert Inna Shine (2 calls total, 120 minutes each)

Gain specific insights into your unique energy blueprint and tap into your greatness.

Exclusive Bonus Training

Throughout the program, you'll gain access to bonus training sessions featuring leading experts in various fields:

Perimenopause Coach: Navigate hormonal shifts with confidence and clarity.

Holistic Health Coach: Foster a well-rounded approach to your physical and mental well-being.

Women's Career Coach: Design a fulfilling career path that aligns with your new life goals.

Personal Stylist: Discover your unique style and feel empowered through fashion.

A Community of Like-Minded Women

Share your struggles with a supportive group that understands what you're going through, seek help from shared wisdom, and enjoy lasting connections.

Lifetime Access.

Revisit the materials and recordings anytime you need a refresher.

Ready To Redefine

The Course Of Your Life?

If you've read this far, I know you're a woman who's ready to change and commit to self-improvement, which I truly commend.

The She Thrives Academy isn't live yet – I'm still putting the finishing touches and adding even more breakthrough features, tools, and resources to ensure you obtain peak results.

Right now, I have an intimate waiting list you can join to be the first notified when the program launches and be in the loop for exclusive bonuses and early-bird discounts.

I can't wait to welcome you to the She Thrives Community, where you'll be surrounded by inspiring women on a similar path and have me as your biggest support system as you create the life you've always dreamed of