Divorce is a challenging experience that can leave us feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed. It’s important to remember that caring for ourselves during this time is critical to our healing process.

Self-care can help us regain strength, find footing, and confidently move forward.  I’m sharing with you what has worked for me so you too can rise up after divorce.

Key Takeaways:

  • The healing power of self-care after divorce is immense and can help us to regain our strength and move forward with confidence.
  • Self-care activities can help us to reconnect with ourselves and our needs, facilitating our healing process.
  • Creating a personalized self-care routine after divorce is paramount to our overall well-being.
  • Self-love is the foundation of healing after a divorce and can provide us with the confidence to embrace personal growth and change.
  • Building a strong support system can aid in our healing process and create a nurturing environment for personal growth.
  • Reinventing ourselves after divorce can lead to personal growth and empowerment.

Embracing Self Love: The Foundation of Healing After Divorce

As I navigated my way through the difficult journey of divorce, I realized that the most important relationship I needed to nurture was the one I had with myself.

It was during this time that I discovered the transformative power of self-love and its role in the healing process especially after my experience with betrayal.

Strengthening self-confidence is a vital component of self-love. Taking time to focus on personal growth and development is of utmost importance.  Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome this challenging time.

Remember that your worth is not defined by your relationship status but rather by the amazing person that you are and the potential you hold.

"Love yourself first, and everything else falls into place."

Embrace Change and Growth

Allow yourself to embrace change and growth. You have the power to co-create your life and create the future you dream of. Focus on your personal goals and envision the steps you need to take to reach them.

Celebrate small victories along the way and allow your mistakes to be learning opportunities.

Discover Your Passions

Take time to discover what you are truly passionate about. Pursue interests and hobbies that bring you fulfillment and joy. This can be anything from learning a new language to volunteering at your local community center.

By discovering your passions, you open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.

Cultivate Positive Relationships

Surrounding yourself with positive influences can change everything. Build a support system of friends, family, and professionals who believe in you and are there for you.

Seek out individuals who share your values and are willing to support and encourage you as you move forward.

1. Join a Support Group for Divorced Women

Seek professional help from a therapist or a transformational coach. Schedule your free 15-minute Zoom consultation call with me.

2. Connect With Old Friends or Make New Ones Through Social Activities

The ultimate foundation of healing after divorce is self-love. As you begin this journey, know that it’s more than okay to take time for yourself and to not have all the answers.

Embrace change, prioritize personal growth, and surround yourself with positive influences. You are absolutely capable of creating a fulfilling life after divorce better than you can imagine!

Get my free guide 5 Steps to Unleash the Warrior Woman Within which will catapult you in your self-love journey.

Embrace New Experiences

Designing a Self-Care Routine: Nurturing Yourself After Divorce

Creating a self-care routine after divorce is an important step towards healing and regaining a sense of control over your life. It can provide a safe space to process your emotions, connect with yourself, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Here are some tips to help you design a personalized self-care routine:

1. Start Small:

Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much at once. Begin with simple activities like taking a walk or reading a book, and gradually add more activities to your routine.

2. Identify Your Needs:

Reflect on what activities or practices will nourish you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Consider your personality, interests, and values when choosing self-care activities.

3. Be Consistent:

Make self-care a regular part of your life. Set aside time each day or week to engage in your self-care routine and stick to it.  I can’t stress this enough!

"Self-care is a way of giving yourself permission to prioritize your own needs and well-being, which is especially important after a divorce."

Here are some self-care activities you might include in your routine:

  • Exercise: Engage in physical activities that bring you joy like hiking or dancing to reduce stress and boost mood.
  • Meditation: Practice mindfulness to quiet your mind and connect with yourself.
  • Journaling: This is a powerful and effective way to gain clarity and process your feelings. Writing down your thoughts and emotions is a timeless practice and will help you understand them better and provide a sense of relief.
  • Connection: it’s important to spend time with those who uplift and support you. Spending time with family and friends will uplift and empower you.

Check out my video on mind-body science I wish I knew during my divorce.

Design a self-care routine that suits your unique needs and preferences.  Everyone is different.  Be intentional, compassionate, and experiment to find what works best for you.

Reinventing Yourself: Discovering a New Path After Divorce

Going through a divorce is a major life change that can leave you feeling lost and unsure about your future. See this moment as an opportunity to rediscover who you are and create a new path in life. You have the power to reinvent yourself and find a new sense of purpose and joy.

Embrace Change

Change can be scary, but it’s important to embrace it as a necessary part of the reinvention process. Take some time to reflect on what you want to change in your life and set new goals that align with your passions and values. Keep in mind that this is your chance to start fresh and create a life that is authentically yours.

Goal Getter

To achieve success, it is essential to keep in mind that big goals can often seem overwhelming and unattainable. That’s why breaking down those goals into smaller, more manageable steps is crucial.

By taking things one step at a time, you’ll be able to see progress and stay motivated along the way. With a little bit of effort and determination, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Find Joy in the Process

Reinventing yourself is a journey, not a destination. It’s important to enjoy the process and celebrate your progress along the way. Take the time to appreciate the small victories and find joy in the process of discovering who you are and what you want out of life.

Seek Support

Reaching out to positive influences for support after a divorce is absolutely vital.  Joining a support group, speaking with a therapist, transformational coach, or connecting with friends and family can provide the encouragement and guidance needed to navigate this challenging period with confidence.

Stay true to yourself and prioritize your own well-being. You have the power to reinvent yourself and create a life that is fulfilling and joyous. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.

Building Strong Support Systems: Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influences

As I navigated through my own healing journey after divorce, I realized the importance of building a strong support system. Surrounding myself with positive influences has been instrumental in my personal growth and resilience.

Friends and family have been my rock during this challenging time. Their love, support and encouragement helped me stay strong and optimistic.  “Surrounding yourself with positive people is not only uplifting, but it also helps you to see possibilities and to overcome obstacles.”

Building a strong support system plays a significant role during the early stages of divorce. It is an ongoing process that requires a conscious effort to surround oneself with positive influences.

Whether it’s joining a new community organization, attending social events, or reconnecting with old friends, there are many ways to cultivate a supportive environment.

  1. Reach out to friends and family for emotional support.
  2. Find a support group that aligns with your interests and values.

Consider seeking professional guidance through a therapist or transformational coach.  Schedule your free 15-minute Zoom consultation call with me.

  1. Participate in social events and engage in hobbies that bring you happiness.
  2. Join a new community organization or reconnect with old friends.

With the help of a strong support system (thank you family and friends—you know who you are), I have been able to start over again with renewed optimism and a sense of purpose.


I hope these tips have been helpful in setting you on the path towards healing and newfound happiness. Self-care after divorce is not only important but crucial to your well-being and future. Embracing self-love, designing a personalized self-care routine, reinventing yourself, and building a strong support system are all essential steps toward creating a fulfilling life after divorce.

Be gentle with yourself, take it one day at a time, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed. With time and intentional effort, you can rise up and emerge from your divorce stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before.

Trust that the journey towards healing is worth it, and know that you are never alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Self-care after divorce refers to the practice of taking care of oneself during the challenging process of divorce. It involves prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being to promote healing and personal growth.

A: Self-care is important after divorce because it allows you to focus on your own needs and rebuild your life. It helps you cope with the emotional stress of the divorce and promotes healing, self-discovery, and resilience.

A: Some self-care tips after divorce include practicing self-compassion, engaging in regular exercise, seeking therapy or coaching, setting healthy boundaries, nurturing your hobbies and interests, and connecting with supportive friends and family.

A: Self-love is a must for healing after divorce as it helps you develop a positive relationship with yourself and boost your self-confidence. It enables you to embrace personal growth, let go of negative emotions, and develop a sense of empowerment and happiness.

A: There are various effective ways to heal from heartbreak and foster self-love, such as acknowledging and validating one’s worth, expressing thoughts and emotions through writing, pursuing hobbies and passions, practicing mindfulness and meditation, seeking comfort and help from supportive loved ones, and dedicating time and energy to personal growth.

A: To design a self-care routine after divorce, start by identifying activities that bring you joy and promote relaxation.

Create a schedule that allows for regular self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, nurturing relationships, engaging in creative pursuits, and setting aside time for self-reflection and self-care activities.

A: Reinventing yourself after divorce can lead to personal growth by allowing you to let go of the past, embrace change, and discover new passions and interests. It offers an opportunity to redefine your identity, set new goals, and create a life that brings fulfillment, happiness, and peace.

A: Take confident steps in rebuilding your life after divorce by reflecting on your values and aspirations. Break down goals into manageable steps, surround yourself with positivity, seek guidance and support, and celebrate progress.

A: Building a strong support system after divorce is important as it provides emotional support, understanding, and encouragement during the healing process. Positive influences can help you navigate the challenges of starting over, provide perspective, and offer guidance when needed. 

A: After a divorce, it’s important to actively seek support from friends, family, and professionals. Consider joining support groups and engaging in activities that align with your interests and values to connect with people who are on the same journey and can provide encouragement. 

Schedule your free 15-minute Zoom consultation call with me.