Divorce is not only emotionally draining, but financially draining as well. It’s not uncommon to struggle with money blocks after a divorce. I struggled financially for a while after my divorce because I was unprepared for the abrupt ending of my relationship.

My kids still remember how we had to put foil at the end of batteries just to extend their life.

I’m here to tell you that healing and financial recovery are more than possible! Achieving financial independence is absolutely within your reach with the right mindset, practical tools, and strategies.

The five effective tips I’m sharing will not only help heal your money blocks but also empower you to embrace a fresh start and create a much better financial future, as they have in mine.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s more than possible to overcome money blocks post-divorce.
  • With the right mindset, tools, and strategies you can achieve financial independence.
  • Assessing your current financial situation is crucial for post-divorce financial recovery.
  • Shifting your money mindset can help you let go of limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive relationship with money.
  • A strong financial foundation is key to overcoming money blocks.
  • Seeking professional help and support can greatly accelerate your financial healing journey.

Understanding Your Financial Situation

Understanding Your Financial Situation

After my divorce, I felt lost and overwhelmed when it came to my finances. I was unprepared for the unexpected end even though I was the primary breadwinner for many years in the beginning of my marriage.

Even though it was the last thing I wanted to deal with, it was important for me to take a step back and wrap my head around my current situation. If you’re in a similar position, don’t worry.

Here are some post-divorce financial recovery tips that helped me rebuild my finances and achieve financial stability.

Shifting Your Money Mindset

Healing my money wounds after my divorce was a transformative journey. Shifting my money mindset wasn’t easy, especially coming from a background where scarcity seemed to dominate. But I decided to break free from the grip of past financial struggles and the victim mentality.

Instead, I embraced the power to create a fresh and empowering relationship with money.

Self-reflection became my guiding light in healing money blocks and navigating the challenges of divorce. I dedicated time for introspection to explore my beliefs about money, carefully assessing whether they uplift of hinder me. This process empowered me to shed what no longer served me and has paved the way for a prosperous financial future.

“I am deserving of financial prosperity, and I attract wealth effortlessly.”

By embracing this affirmation and others like it, I was able to let go of limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive mindset. This allowed me to approach money from a place of abundance rather than scarcity and look for opportunities to create wealth.

Another effective practice for healing the money mindset is visualization. I visualized and felt myself as financially secure and free, living the life I desired and deserved. I focused on the end goal regardless of my present situation.

This was incredibly helpful in staying on track with my goals and maintaining my discipline in taking inspired action to make things happen.

Healing my money mindset required discipline, belief, and a commitment to changing my thoughts and behaviors around money. By embracing a new perspective, I was able to transform my relationship with money and create a more prosperous future.

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Now that you’ve taken the time to assess your financial situation and changed your money mindset, it’s time to work on building a solid financial foundation that will help you achieve long-term financial stability.

By implementing the following financial healing strategies, you can manage your money post-divorce and begin rebuilding your finances even better than before:

1. Create a Budget:

Creating a budget post-divorce is an absolute must. It’s a powerful way to take charge of your financial journey and ensure a secure future. Tracking expenses and setting clear financial goals empowers you to make informed decisions, allowing your money to work for you.

By monitoring spending and having a clear financial vision, you can confidently allocate your resources to maximize their potential. I never like to leave money on the table, and you shouldn’t either.

It’s time to take control, track expenses, and give yourself financial clarity starting today!

2. Reduce Your Debt:

Reducing your debt is vital especially after a divorce. I got to work on this as soon as I was able. This step is your key to regaining control of your financial destiny especially after all the changes.

When you tackle your debts (as hard as it is to fae them), you not only ease financial stress but also free up precious resources to secure your future.

3. Save for Emergencies:

Unexpected expenses are inevitable, especially if you’re a single mom like me. Building an emergency fund that covers 3-6 months of your living expenses not only gives you peace of mind but also acts as a safety net, shielding you from life’s unexpected twists and turns. This is your way of safeguarding your financial independence.

4. Invest in Your Future:

My sister Michelle, Managing Director at Marquez Private Wealth of Raymond James, always tells me that wealth is created not earned. It’s not just about saving; it’s also about investing in your future.

By exploring different options like stocks, bonds, or real estate, you’re opening the door to a brighter financial future. Always keep in mind that this path is about nurturing your prosperity and securing the life you deserve.

5. Have a Financial Plan:

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a financial plan on your post-divorce journey. It’s what allowed me to meet and exceed my children’s basic needs, pay off thousands in debt, make long-overdue necessary home repairs, invest in my children’s college funds, and set aside emergency funds.

This plan is your financial roadmap towards stability and independence, empowering you to build a life of financial prosperity.”

By implementing these financial healing strategies, you can take proactive steps towards rebuilding your finances post-divorce and achieving financial independence.

This is a process that requires patience, discipline, and a long-term vision. Don’t give up before you even get started. Building a sound financial foundation is more than achievable with the right mindset and effective strategies.

Seeking Professional Help and Support

Rebuilding your financial life after divorce can be a challenging journey, but you don’t have to do it alone. Seeking professional help and support is an integral part of healing your money blocks and achieving financial independence post-divorce.

If you’re struggling with debt, financial planning, or managing your money, consider seeking the guidance of a financial advisor. A knowledgeable financial expert can provide valuable insights, help you create a budget, and design a tailored financial roadmap to achieve your goals.

A therapist, transformational coach and support groups can also be effective resources for those who are working on healing their money mindset.

Talking through your emotions and beliefs with a trusted professional can help you process your experiences, challenge limiting beliefs, and cultivate a positive outlook on your finances and beyond.

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute video consultation call with me.

Seeking support from professionals isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to your strength. It’s a proactive move on your path to achieving financial goals and forging a brighter future for yourself. When you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out – you are taking powerful steps towards your dreams.


As I reflect on my post-divorce financial journey, I realize that healing my money blocks required more than just budgeting and saving. It required discipline, commitment to shift in my mindset, a willingness to let go of limiting beliefs, and the determination to take proactive steps towards financial recovery and freedom.

But I also know that I could not have done it alone. Having a supportive sister with two decades of wealth management experience as a financial advisor combined with my knowledge of the subconscious mind was a game changer for me.

She gave me the guidance and emotional support I needed to stay on track and move forward with my goals.

If you are currently struggling with post-divorce finances, know that it’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to take your time. Healing is a process, and you are not defined by your past financial struggles.

With the right strategies and mindset, you have the power to create a new reality for yourself, one that is rooted in prosperity, financial empowerment, and strength. Trust the process, and like me, have faith that you can thrive financially after divorce.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Money blocks refer to limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or unconscious behaviors that hinder your financial success and abundance.

A: Healing your money blocks after divorce requires self-reflection, mindset shifts, and proactive steps such as understanding your financial situation, shifting your money mindset, building a strong financial foundation, and seeking professional help when needed.

A: Understanding your financial situation post-divorce allows you to assess your current financial situation, create a budget, and set realistic goals for your financial recovery and freedom.

A: Shifting your money mindset involves letting go of limiting beliefs, cultivating a positive relationship with money, and developing a mindset of prosperity and financial empowerment.

A: Building a strong financial foundation post-divorce involves effective financial management strategies such as budgeting, saving, investing, and creating a solid financial plan for the future.

A: It is beneficial to seek professional help and support, such as guidance from a financial advisor, therapist, transformational coach or support groups, to gain valuable insights, learn new strategies, and find emotional support as you rebuild your financial life.