My Story

My journey started in 2007 when my eldest son Michael was diagnosed with cancer. Wilm’s Tumor is a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children between the ages of three and four, and most often occurs in just one kidney. At the time of Michael’s diagnosis, I was six months pregnant with my second son Noah.

My experience with Michael opened my eyes to the importance of feeding our bodies with the right foods. During his five and a half month chemo treatment I studied and researched anything and everything about proper nutrition so I could help my son regain his strength and boost his immune system. I came to realize that food is a critical component of a healthy body, and I was forever changed.

Through countless prayers, a great oncology team, and a tremendous amount of love and support from family and friends, Michael has been cancer-free ever since.

Sherille Marquez

I thought I survived the worst. Until a few years later when my 13-year marriage ended abruptly and unexpectedly. That was when my personal transformation began.

From one day to the next, my world, as well as my children’s, were turned upside down. I never knew what depression felt like until then. I gained 28lbs in eight months and my body dysmorphia and emotional eating was at their worst. Financially, I barely had two pennies to rub together and didn’t know how I was going to support my children.

When you’ve hit rock bottom the only place to go is within. My spirituality grew even more during this time. Because of my unwavering belief I knew that somehow my kids and I would be okay.

Sherille Marquez

Ever since I was a child, great things would always happen to me – I would be at the right place, at the right time and with the right people. I had no idea I was practicing The Law of Attraction since I was just being myself and living life. I also had a deep fascination with quantum physics and metaphysics. I spent countless hours reading, researching, and learning as well as experiencing their meanings firsthand.

Little did I know that my hard-won lessons and thirst for knowledge would connect the dots and lead me to where I am today.

I was guided to create a unique healing practice to help others in ways I would never have imagined. My son’s cancer and my divorce have been tremendous blessings. They are “blessings” because of the golden opportunities I was given to learn valuable lessons for my soul’s evolution.

Happiness is our birthright and it’s my turn to pay it forward. It would be my absolute honor to help guide you to becoming your best self while living your best life – mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

schedule your complimentary video consultation

Sherille Marquez | (818) 538-4442 |

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